Church Council
Nominations and Elections

Annual Meeting Sunday 19 May 2024 

We now invite nominations for Churchwardens and PCC members. 

Please read about the roles below then click relevant nomination link if you are being nominated for election (you will need to have been on the Electoral Roll for at least 6 months). Please find a proposer and seconder, who are on the electoral roll (and their email details) and we will then contact them to confirm. They should not be related to you, and should not have nominated or seconded someone else for the same role.

Nomination for Churchwarden – 2 vacancies
Nomination for PCC member – 3 PCC vacancies for a three year term and 1 vacancy for a two year term (to replace retiring members and gaps).

(Please click here if you are a co-opted member of PCC or a member as a result of the office you hold)

Early indications of an intention to stand as a candidate for election to the PCC, or as Churchwarden are requested, as this allows us to talk with the candidate about the role and St Stephen’s together with any matters candidates may wish to raise in advance. 
Both current Churchwardens have indicated they are willing to stand again but anyone else wishing to stand as Churchwarden is asked to speak to Jane Maffett, PCC Secretary in advance of submitting a nomination.

Our twin meetings - the Annual Meeting of Parishioners and the Annual Church Meeting - will both take place in person.  At the first meeting we elect our two Churchwardens to serve for the coming year.  At the second meeting we elect new PCC members as above.  We are very grateful to those standing down for the time and dedication they have given.

Mary Ann Auckland, Acting Chair of PCC and Ann Toley (both current Churchwardens)
Jane Maffett, PCC Secretary ( - Queries

ABOUT THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL – THE ‘PCC’ - consists of the Vicar, Associate Vicar, Curate, Churchwardens and elected and co-opted representatives of the church. The PCC usually meets six times a year on a Monday evening, with agendas covering regular items (such as reports from finance, buildings, mission, children and youth, safeguarding, health and safety), and more wide ranging items looking at the way forward for our church.  

All members are Trustees and must therefore be eligible as such under Charity Commission guidelines. This helpful leaflet gives an overview - Trusteeship - an introduction for PCC members.
Duties of trustees include:

  • Compliance – Ensure the PCC complies with charity and church law
  • Prudence – Ensure that the PCC is financially sound
  • Duty of care – Using personal knowledge and experience to ensure that the PCC is well run and efficient

A PCC Form of declaration must be certified by those standing for election to any roles, certifying they are eligible, and all must be willing to do online safeguarding training and a DBS check (as we run activities for children and vulnerable adults).

PCC MEMBERS - Usually nine 'lay' members (usually 3 are elected each year for a 3 year term) from church members who have been on the electoral roll for at least 6 months. (They cannot stand for the year immediately following the end of their term). They then:

  • Represent the church membership, part of its ‘voice’ for decisions made by St Stephen’s. They can include their own view on matters, but should also represent the views of the wider Church.
  • Work in partnership with the Vicar in leading St Stephen’s and encourage and support him in his ministry.
  • Help the Vicar and the leadership team shape the future vision and direction for our church, and deliver our Mission Action Plan.
  • Make it a priority to attend PCC meetings and be prepared for them by reading and considering papers sent to them.
  • Take an interest in getting to know more people in the congregation, making themselves available to speak to those with concerns or questions. Can feed things into meetings and report back to interested people.
  • Are called to pray for the life of the church and its people.

DEANERY SYNOD MEMBERS – 3 members and these are only elected every 3 years – this last happened in 2023.  As well as being part of the PCC, members of Deanery Synod attend 4 meetings a year alongside other churches in Ealing.

CHURCHWARDENS - The role of a churchwarden is extremely varied.  The churchwardens are the Bishop’s representatives in the church.
They are elected annually at a meeting of parishioners, and can serve a maximum of 6 successive annual terms. In addition to sitting on the PCC they:

  • Share leadership, remembering it is leadership rather than management. Churchwardens should be people who the congregation respect as leaders and who can take charge when needed. Churchwardens should be wise and, if needed, firm. They should nurture their own Christian faith, and keep it fresh.
  • Facilitating the smooth running of the church and its services, especially the Sunday services: making sure support teams are in place and working, for keeping order in the church, and for collecting the cash offerings. Churchwardens have to make reports each year to the annual parochial meeting and to the archdeacon.
  • Share the responsibilities connected with buildings, contents, finance, safeguarding and compliance.
  • Have an important role on a personal level. A churchwarden cares for the Vicar and his family. A churchwarden should also care for the congregation, encourage its members in their Christian faith, and to help heal any tensions that arise between them or between the congregation and the Vicar.

As part of the leadership team, we work out together how to share the different responsibilities.
Further information is available from the current Churchwardens and the PCC Secretary (usually the Vicar but we are 'in vacancy'). If you are considering that this might be a call for you, or are thinking of nominating someone, we encourage you to discuss the role with one of us first. Training is available.