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 WhatsApp Image 2020-06-25 at 1
Ann Toley

Ask and it will be given to you”   Luke 11 v10

 Luke writes in Acts 20, “It is better to give than to receive” quoting Jesus.  This saying cannot be found in the Gospels but that does not matter as clearly Jesus said far more than was actually recorded. Especially, as Christians, we would want to give not just to our friends but also to those in need – either materially or emotionally.  In some ways we have had far too many opportunities to do this during lockdown - folks needing basic food, help with children as well as just the need to talk to someone or feel that someone cares and will give time to visit them (socially distancing!) or chat on the phone.

I am sure we would all want to thank our friends for their friendship and acts of kindness but I would like to suggest that people become true friends when we feel we can ask them for help or when we accept graciously the help that is offered. How difficult we find that so often, especially if it is not material things but, maybe, just help! Even at difficult times in my life, it has not been easy for me to ask for help – it means admitting and showing vulnerability.

Asking is central to our relationship with God. In Holman Hunt’s famous painting, “The Light of the World”, Jesus is shown outside the door having to knock – waiting for us to ask Him in. God will not force himself on anyone. We have to be willing to as .  Another well-known verse is “ask and it will be given to you,” We are frequently encouraged to ask for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives.

It is good to come together as a church fellowship to pray either in a service or a specific prayer meeting or informally with other people. The advantage of asking God (praying) is that our desires don’t have to be said aloud whereas we cannot expect our friends to know our needs unless we verbalise them – talk to them. In other words ask for help.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord for our friends and the friendship and help we receive from them. Help us to put our pride aside and be willing to ask for help.

Prayer request: For those who find it very difficult to ask for help. For more trust in You and our friends.