Meet the team

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Ruth Robinson, Curate Stephen Turner , Worship Pastor & Youth Worker
Ruth's is a priested curate. During our vacancy she is responsible for leading our services and the pastoral life of St Stephen's. She is married to Mark and they have twins. Email Ruth. Stephen has a passion for all types of music. He is also responsible for the youth work of St Stephen's. He is married with two children. Email Stephen.
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Morgen Edwards, Communications Manager & Children's Worker Jack Cahill, Premises Manager
Morgen is our Communications Manager, and is for many in the week the public face of St Stephen’s. She is also our Children's Worker developing the vision for our children's work and co-leading Shining Stars our mid-week toddler group. 
Email Morgen.
Jack is responsible for all premises related issues and with Morgen the public face of St Stephen's as well. In his spare time, he enjoys watching sport and listening to music and podcasts. If you would like to book any of our facilities please contact him.
Email Jack.
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Mary Ann Auckland, Churchwarden Ann Toley, Churchwarden
Our Churchwardens share with the Vicar in the leadership and spiritual life of St Stephen’s and also have particular responsibility for the upkeep of our building and the smooth running of services. Email Mary AnnEmail Ann.
Enid Barron, Licensed Lay Minister Emeritus  
Enid is our Licensed Lay Minister Emeritus. She is involved in several areas of church life and preaches and helps to lead church services from time to time.  
To contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page by clicking here