Baptism in water is the outward sign of commitment to Jesus Christ and membership of His church. As an Anglican Church we baptise people of all ages.
The young children of Christian parents can be baptised during our main Sunday service on the basis that their parents and Godparents make the promises on their behalf, and that they will be brought up as Christians within the family of the church.

Older children, teenagers and adults are baptised on the profession of their own faith, and we baptise by
full immersion in a Baptism pool. In all cases we offer appropriate preparation for those seeking baptism.
We also offer a service of
Thanksgiving for parents who wish to acknowledge God's gift of a child and pray for His blessing upon them. This may be appropriate for parents who prefer not to make baptismal promises on behalf of their children, leaving opportunity for their children to express faith through baptism when they are older.
Click here
to contact us for further details.
Marriage is one of the most precious gifts of God, so our aim is to help couples make their wedding day as special as possible, and to prepare not only for their wedding but for married life.
You may get married at St Stephen’s if at least one of you:
lives in the parish of St Stephen’s. (Please check if you are in our Parish here)
is on the St Stephen’s, Ealing Electoral Roll.
was baptised or confirmed in the parish.
has lived in the parish at any time for at least 6 months.
has at any time habitually attended normal church services at St Stephen’s for a period of at least 6 months.
You may also get married at St Stephen’s if one of your parents or grandparents:
has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months.
has habitually attended church services at St Stephen’s for a period of at least 6 months.
was married in the parish.
If either of you has been married before and has a former partner still living, special considerations and procedures apply. This will not necessarily prevent you from getting married at St Stephen's but you do need to let us know when you
contact us.
We will need you to complete a
Banns Form and provide
Identification and proof of address. Costs do apply. Details available upon request.