Get Involved 

We think that there are five things that help people to feel like a member of the church family and really make a difference to their lives.

Pray - prayer underpins everything we do, and participating in one of our prayer activities is important, even if simply praying for the church as part of your own daily spiritual disciplines of prayer and bible reading.

Make meeting together on Sundays a priority – if you only come along once in a while it’s hard to feel part of things. We hope that coming along Sunday by Sunday, listening to the sermons & talks, asking your questions and getting to know others who are perhaps a little further on in the journey will help you to find out more about what it means to know God.  If you miss a week, you can catch up on our previous services here. On top of that look out for our regular events, courses or special services for people who want to ask questions or find out more.

Join a Connect group – getting involved in church means getting involved with people and it’s hard to know where to start when you are standing in a crowd on a Sunday. That’s why we urge everyone to join a Connect group. You’ll soon get to know people and start to see the ways you can get involved in their lives. You might also want to come to one of our Gatherings where individuals who share a common passion or call come together.

Join a team - our experience is that the people who feel at home the quickest are those who throw themselves into church family life and start to muck in by using the gifts God has given them.

Give - our church members normally, once settled, participate in our Giving scheme, this is our response to a generous God who has blessed us in so many ways.

The Bible says that the church is a body in which each member has a vital part to play. In other words, church is not a restaurant we go to, hoping that the service will be good, but a family meal in which we all muck in together.

New to church?
If you are totally new to church and have a whole raft of questions we’d love you just to come along. You won’t be alone. None of us has everything sorted, so we hope we are a church where everyone feels safe to ask their questions and work things through at their own pace. 

Have a look at the other pages in this section for more details on how to get involved.