We understand that arranging a funeral can be both upsetting and complicated and it may not be clear what to do.
If you would like a church funeral the
first step is to contact a funeral director who will contact a minister on your behalf. If the deceased person lived in our parish, or had a
connection with St. Stephen’s, then you may request that the funeral service be held at our church.
If you do not want a church funeral but would like the service to be conducted at a local crematorium by a minister from St Stephen's, this can also be arranged, just make your wishes known to the funeral director. The person who has died did not need to have been a regular church goer for us to take the service.
If you have been bereaved then the Church community is here to help and
support you through a difficult time. If you would like to talk to a member of our staff about this, then please
contact us and we would be very happy to arrange to meet with you.