Our Vision is to be a:
Community growing in the love of Jesus
We aim to achieve our Vision through:
Children and Young People
We will encourage children and young people to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him.
We will provide opportunities for teaching and nurture of our young people both as part of our Sunday teaching programme and also during the week
We plan to direct additional resources towards our work with young people through our own work and in conjunction with other Christian partners
We want every member of our church to deepen their relationship with Jesus and affect every aspect of their lives
We will develop a structure of mid-sized and small groups to enable all members to find a place of welcome
We will seek to equip members to live as passionate followers of Jesus
We will provide ongoing leadership, Biblical teaching, prayer and practical support
We seek to follow Jesus’ mandate to go and serve our community, make disciples and give others the opportunity to respond to Him in faith.
We recognise that we need to live out our faith day by day in the places where we find ourselves
We are committed to serving and engaging with the local community both as a church body, by ourselves and in partnership with others
We will be intentional in finding ways to present the good news of the Gospel in ways that are accessible to those outside the Church community
We are also committed to working with others to share the love of Christ in other parts of the world.
Worship and Prayer
We want to be people who are committed to seeking the presence of God in prayer, worship and our community life.
We will regularly review our worship services to ensure that they facilitate a genuine encounter with God
We will seek to develop patterns of worship and a community life that equip Church members to live in such a way that others are drawn to faith
We want to provide a variety of worship styles including traditional and informal
We will develop opportunities for prayer gatherings both in smaller groups and in a wider Church context
We will offer personal prayer support for healing or any other need through the provision of a trained Prayer Ministry Team.
The Values that we strive to demonstrate in fulfilling our Vision are:
Ensuring that worship and prayer are at the centre of all we do; whilst we are aware of our traditions, we seek to be open to the fresh leading of the Holy Spirit
Seeking guidance from the authority of the Bible and the presence of the Holy Spirit, to inform and direct our life, witness and service
Reaching out in mission, sharing the love of Jesus, and providing practical support to the community that we are called to serve
Representing and celebrating the diversity of our local community
Supporting social justice and a concern for the environment
Being generous with our money, our time and our gifts
Creating an atmosphere that is relaxed, hospitable and respectful and in which all members and visitors feel welcome
Caring for young and old alike so that people feel part of a church family that seeks unity, provides mutual support, and values each individual