Connect Groups

We encourage all our church members to belong to a Connect Group to help us grow as followers of Jesus. Connect Groups are places where we Connect with God, Connect with each other and Connect with the wider community.  They are small groups (typically 8-12 people) which meet in church members' homes, at church or online, weekly or fortnightly to pray, discuss the Bible and develop great friendships. Our Connect Groups are as follows - if you wish to attend, please contact the relevant leader by responding with the links highlighted.


  • People and Planet Connect group - has a particular interest in and concern for the environment.  They meet fortnightly from 8 - 9.30 pm online. Click here if you are interested in joining. 


  • Tuesday group - a group desiring to root themselves in God’s Word and prayer.  Meets every other Tuesday from 8 - 9.30 pm in a home. Click here if you are interested in joining. 


  • Daytimers - for people who are around during the day, this group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 11am - 12pm in the small hall at church. This group even meets during the school holidays so just turn up.  
  • Vine - is a place to ‘be in the Vine and bear fruit’. We seek to experience more of God through prayer, discussion and asking how to put our faith into action.  Meets occasionally online or in person. Click here if you are interested in joining.


  • Film group - meets fortnightly on a Thursday to think about a film and what the Bible and a Christian response might be.  The Group meets one week to watch a full length feature film and then meets again two weeks later to talk about it, look at what the Bible says about the issues raised and pray together. Click here if you are interested in joining. 


  • Chinese Group (Mandarin speakers)  - gathers weekly for dinner before worship, Bible Study, prayer support and encouragement. Meets every Friday at 7:30pm for dinner with 8:00pm start. Click here if you are interested in joining.
  • Parents of Little Ones (POLO) – meets on the first Saturday of the month for tea, chat, a dip in the bible and prayer alongside their little ones (pre-school). We aim to be an encouraging space in what can be a challenging season. Click here if you are interested in joining.