Joining a team is a great way to get to know people and getting involved in the life of the church.
Why not sign up to help serve on a team to help us run our Sunday Services? Here are some of the ways you can use your gifts.
Sunday services: reading, prayers, prayer ministry, helping the clergy, technical support (sound, vision and livestream systems).
Playing or singing with our worship band, or singing in a choir for the occasional service.
Working with children or young people, on Sundays or with our Toddler group, Shining Stars, on Tuesday. (Please note that these volunteers will need to be checked in line with our 'safer recruitment' policy).
Leading a Connect Group.
Hospitality: welcoming people to our services, serving in the cafe, cooking or baking, event catering.
Looking after our buildings - special cleaning, gardening and maintenance work - any experts particularly welcome.
Supporting our mission partners and serving our community.
If you would like to discuss getting involved in any of these areas or have another question about getting more involved in the life of the church, please speak to one of the leadership team or
contact us.