We registered with Eco Church in February 2016 and qualified for a Bronze Award in November 2017. With further improvements we applied for a Silver Award which was granted in January 2021. We are now working towards gaining a Gold Award. Eco Church demands standards in the following categories:
Worship & Teaching
Management of Buildings
Management of Land
Community & Global Engagement
In these years we have re-built the toilets with water efficiency and lighting to modern standards, and renovated the meeting room. Toilets, wash basins and bins have all been twinned with Toilet Twinning. We recycle using Recycle4Charity and reuse what we can eg jars for makers of preserves and jam.
Our annual Christmas Fair is largely stocked with pre-loved books, bric-a-brac, jewellery, toys and other goods to be re-used and edibles such as preserves, puddings and cakes made by church members using LOAF principles (Local, Organic, Animal Friendly, Fairtrade) where possible. We have renewed our Fairtrade commitment until 2026, and hold sales of Fairtrade goods at Christmas, Easter and Fairtrade Fortnight.
We have in recent years switched to 100% renewable energy and our Banking to a more ethical high Street bank.
We have done much to encourage greater diversity in our small garden with planting to encourage pollinators, bird boxes, feeders and baths and ‘insect hotels’. A water butt was installed and agreement made to avoid the use of peat, herbicides and insecticides. In March 2024, two new native trees were planted (a Rowan and a Field Maple) to replace a large oak tree that was diseased and had to come down. The garden is to be extended as the car park and entrance to the building are re-worked, allowing more planting to be incorporated, and greater opportunities for use to meet with others, meditate or pray. The Entrance re-build will include greater energy efficiency in the Centre and more natural light.
The People & Planet group and fortnightly Study Group are open to all to join. Small groups of church members organise events such as Earth Hour Celebrations, Show the Love, Big Green Week and meetings with our MPs and Councillors to discuss the climate, environment and issues relating to poverty. All church members are also invited to join small groups to national events such as ‘The Big One’ rally in 2023 and ‘Restore Nature Now’ march in 2024.