Making a regular donation to
St Stephen's by Standing Order

The simplest (and most cost efficient way) to make a regular donation to St Stephens Ealing PCC is by standing order. The best way to do this is online or by telephone banking with your bank using the following details:
Account name - St Stephen's Ealing PCC
Bank - Barclays
Sort Code - 20-27-48
Account number - 00807486

(If you are giving regularly already and want to change the amount, just go ahead and change your standing order, or if using envelopes, just email us.)

It would also be really helpful to let us know you have done this by filling in details below to let us know!

And if this is a new donation and you can gift aid, please click here to print and complete the gift aid declaration, then deliver it to:
The Giving Co-ordinators
St Stephen's Church
St Stephen's Rd
London W13 8HD
(Please send any queries to
Thank you!

Amount I plan to give each month by standing order * £
Your Name *:
Your address *:
Email Address *:

(Click here to see our privacy policy)

Any other comments or questions? (If this is a change to your existing pledge please indicate here)