St Stephen's News Mailing

PCC Meeting
Our PCC met on Monday night to discuss the following:

  • Church Vacancy (See further info below)
  • Annual Meeting - 19th May 2024 (See further info below)
  • Finance Updates
  • Buildings incl Trees and Entrance Improvement Project

Sleeves Up Saturday
Please come along and join us this Saturday 4th May, 9:30am - 12:30pm as we work together to spring clean the building. People of all ages are welcome to come along and help. 
Update on the Vacancy 
After discussion with the Diocese, we now have a timeline for the recruitment of a new Vicar (never as quick as one would like). Thank you for all the feedback from the survey, which is now being considered and built into a ‘Parish Profile’ for a PCC meeting in early June. After this the Bishop and our Patron (the dean of St Paul’s Cathedral) comes to discuss it with us.  The advert will go live in mid July, for just over a month, and interviews will take place in the second half of September. We will have 2 representatives on the Selection panel of 5. When the successful candidate will start will then be subject to any notice period they may need to give for their current role.  Any PCC member or the Churchwardens will be happy to explain more.
Annual Meeting
The new Church Electoral Roll is now displayed in the Church Foyer – no new names can be added but you may wish to check that your details are correct either online via the members area of our website or with the Church Office direct.  

Sunday evening 19th May 6.30pm, followed by refreshments. Even though we don’t have a vicar, this is still an important meeting where we can share progress, both of the church and the vacancy as well as electing Churchwardens and PCC members. Do pop it in your diary!  The papers are now on our website here.
Elections to our Church Council
Nominations now open and are invited for the following:

  • 2 Churchwardens to serve for 1 year (but current CWs have indicated a willingness to stand again
  • 3 PCC members to serve for 3 years
  • 1 PCC member for 2 years 

More information here.  Please think about whether you would like to stand or whether you might nominate someone who would like to stand. Queries or indications you might stand to current Churchwardens Mary Ann Auckland or Ann Toley or PCC Secretary Jane Maffett.
Christian Aid Week (11-19th May)
Please join us in this week of learning about the work of Christian Aid and raising funds for essential support for very poor communities, made worse by the climate crisis. There are so many ways you can help.

The theme this year is on 'pushing back against poverty' with the story of Aline, and her community in Burundi. Please join us for a Guided Walk from All Hallows by the Tower at noon, to six other City churches, to St. Paul's Cathedral. A great day is promised, and it would be good to have you with us. For details see here.... Please sponsor us, using the e-card here.
Let Sue Charlton know if you plan to come, as we hope to travel together from Ealing Broadway to Tower Hill. Contact her on 07908 840 954.
The following day, Sunday 12th May, we're selling jigsaw puzzles and table games and books during Café, between the two services. Please bring donations of the above and buy some too.

At 3pm that afternoon, Helen Vickery's Choir Coro coming to give us a Concert with tea and cakes afternoon. Please see details here. No entrance fee but donations for Christian Aid will be much appreciated. Bring friends and neighbours. Children especially welcomed.

And please bring plants & seedlings for sale during Café on Sunday 19th. We'll be welcoming Kathy Childress from Christian Aid as guest speaker at both our services that day too.
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus
Drayton Avenue
Drayton Gardens
Drayton Grove
Drayton Road
Prayer for the Week
Risen Christ,
by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples:
help your Church to obey your command
and draw the nations to the fire of your love,
to the glory of God the Father. Amen.