Curates Update

Monday 13th May 2024

It was so good to worship together yesterday and think about the doctrine of the Ascension and what hope it gives us that Jesus is on the throne and that he is committed to his creation. If you missed it, you can catch up here. 

We are also in the thick of our Christian Aid week events. A group of us had a lovely time in the sunshine for the Freedom Walk on Saturday, thanks to those who sponsored the team. Big thanks to those who donated, ran and purchased from the book/game stall yesterday. The Robinsons had a great time yesterday afternoon putting together one of the jigsaws we got! Thanks too if you came to the choir concert yesterday afternoon. So many wonderful ways to engage in raising funds!

This Sunday we have Kathy Childress from Christian Aid coming to speak at both our services. It will be fantastic to hear more about the amazing work they do. A reminder that we also have a plants/seedlings sale during cafe time.

Do come to our Annual General Meeting this Sunday at 6.30pm in church – about an hour long followed by wine and nibbles.  The agenda and all the papers you need are here. Even though we are ‘in vacancy’ this is an important meeting where we hear about the business side of church and look back and forwards.  We will also elect 4 new PCC members – we have three nominations in already (John Anniss, Dinos Horattides, and Lily Ledwith) and I understand another may be on the way, but anyone else wanting to stand is welcome – click here for more info.  Churchwardens only stand for a year at a time, so we will have those elections too - and both Mary Ann Auckland and Ann Toley have expressed their willingness to stand again. Queries to Jane Maffett, PCC Secretary.

Finally, a reminder that we have our Vision Evening Workshop this Friday at 7pm in church. This is a really important part of our journey to finding a new vicar and we would love to have a wide representation of our community present from both services as we explore with Revd Dr Suzanne Vernon-Yorke, the Willesden Area Mission Enabler. Please do make it a priority to come along if you can.

God bless and have a great week! 
