St Stephen's News Mailing

Vision Evening
A very important part of our Parish Profile, which is the key document in advertising for a new vicar, is our vision for St Stephen's. Getting this right will go a long way towards ensuring we find the right person for our church. The Revd Dr Suzanne Vernon-Yorke, the Willesden Area Mission Enabler, is coming on Friday 17 May at 7:00pm to run a 'vision evening' workshop. Everyone is welcome to take part - we are all St Stephen's. The workshop will run for about two-and-a-half to three hours.
Annual General Meeting
This Sunday at 6.30pm in church followed by wine and nibbles.  The agenda and all the papers you need are here. Even though we are ‘in vacancy’ this is an important meeting where we hear about the business side of church and look back and forwards.  We will also elect 4 new PCC members – we have four nominations in already (John Anniss, Dinos Horattides, Lily Ledwith and Iain Paul) but anyone else wanting to stand is welcome – click here for more info.  Churchwardens only stand for a year at a time, so we will have those elections too - and both Mary Ann Auckland and Ann Toley have expressed their willingness to stand again. Queries to Jane Maffett, PCC Secretary.
Christian Aid Week till Sunday 19th May
Thanks to all who contributed in activities last weekend, or who have given in any way with goods for sale or donations. Ten of us from St. Stephen's joined about 120 others last Saturday for the Freedom Walk from All Hallows by the Tower. We were blessed with warm dry weather, but kept remarkably cool by the green spaces and gardens of the City as we walked to six ancient churches to get to St. Paul's for the Evensong service before heading for Ealing and home. 
On Sunday many brought and/or bought from a wide choice of books and of jigsaws and other table-top games during Café.

Helen Vickery's Choir CORO entertained many of us that afternoon with a wonderful Concert of classical music before we served tea and home-made cakes.
Please pray for the 16 members of church delivering envelopes to approximately 2,000 homes in streets around Church this week - that many will learn about the love Christian Aid shares with people around the world, how we can all help and inviting others to as well.

Next Sunday 19th May we look forward to welcoming Kathy Childress from Christian Aid as guest speaker at our services. During Café and after the 10.30 service we'll have Plants/seedlings to sell, as well as Homemade Cakes. Everyone loves a fresh cake, or a new plant to nurture! Contributions for sale will be really welcomed. Bring one and buy one!

And if you'd like to sponsor me (Sue Charlton) for walking 70K in May, please click here.
Ealing Foodbank
Thank you so much for your donations which allow them to provide food and other essentials to those in our community who are struggling financially. Attached is a list of most needed items this month. If you would like to drop off donations, here is a list of all of our donation points across the borough: Please note that we have a donation point here at St Stephen's that is only suitable for small donations; large donations should be taken directly to Ealing Foodbank.
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus
Bradley Gardens
Egerton Gardens
Montague Road
Prayer for the Week
Holy Spirit, sent by the Father,
ignite in us your holy fire;
strengthen your children with the gift of faith,
revive your Church with the breath of love,
and renew the face of the earth,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.