Curates Update

Wednesday 29th May 2024

I hope you all had a lovely Bank Holiday and managed to find some rest amidst the busy-ness of life.

It was wonderful as always to worship with you all last Sunday as we reached the end of our Jesus series and looked at Jesus as our Saviour. If you missed the 10:30am, you can catch up here. It was great to see a draft of the Parish Profile and huge thanks to the team who have worked hard to put something together that reflects St. Stephens so well.

Join us this weekend as we kick off our series looking at the book of Ruth. Ruth is a fantastic book looking at a simple story of a family but also profoundly experiencing the work of God behind everything to work out his purposes and bring hope and healing. My prayer in choosing this series is that it will help us in this season of change to see God at work in us too and know his hope. I encourage you to read the book of Ruth this week (it's only 4 chapters!) to remind yourself of the story. The Bible Project also have a short overview video (as they do with all the books of the bible), which can help if you are more of a visual learner.

A reminder that we have our monthly Prayer Gathering on Tuesday 4th June at 8pm in the St. Stephen's meeting room. In the coming months, we will be hosted at the prayer meeting by our Connect Groups as well as some months still led by me. I am excited to see what God puts on our hearts to pray as we seek the Lord in these times.

God bless and have a great week! 

God bless and have a great week! 
