Curates Update

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Hope those of you whose life is separated into chunks by things like half-term had a fun/restful/survivable week (delete as appropriate!) and that you are adjusting back into the swing of things so far this week. For the rest of you, I hope your Bank Holiday was a chance to do something lovely or rest from 'the norm' whatever that looks like for you.

Last Sunday we had a great time as Sally opened up the first chapter of Ruth to us at the 9am and encouraged us to step into the unknown with courage and faith in a God who is working behind the scenes. At 10:30am, Morgen and the kids of J.A.M (Jesus and Me group) led us in a lively exploration of friendship and faithfulness as we looked at Ruth's loyalty to Naomi. This Sunday we have Archdeacon Catherine coming to both services. She will be presiding and preaching at the 9am and the 10:30am. Do give her a lovely warm St. Stephen's welcome.

Tonight, we are meeting for our monthly Prayer Gathering at 8pm in the church, don't forget that building works mean you need to come in through the side gate.

God bless and have a great week! 
