Curates Update

Monday 1st July 2024

I so enjoyed worshipping with you all yesterday and it was deeply moving to look at the last chapter of our series on Ruth together and focus on the stories of redemption the book contains. If you missed it, you can catch up here.

This Sunday we are starting a mini-series of two Sundays on prayer to bookend our 24/7 Prayer event.  This Sunday we will be looking at Prayer as a Way of Life at both our 9am and All Age 10:30am service. Join us for the services and don't forget that we have a cafe time between the end of one service and the start of the next one for us to connect, catch up and also to welcome new people. I have been enjoying asking people our 'coffee time question of the week' and finding out new things about each other. Why not stay/come along early this Sunday? It is a brilliant way of building community especially in this time of vacancy.

A reminder that in the summer from 28th July to 25th August, we combine to run one whole church service at 10am. We will have communion every week, some sung worship with a mix of traditional and contemporary songs and a short talk. 

There are still spaces available to book for our 24/7 Prayer event on the 12-14th July. Make sure you book a slot so you don't miss out. You can book here, or sign up on Sunday. Programmes with details of what is happening during 24/7 Prayer will be available this Sunday. If you are nervous or unsure about praying alone - why not book with a friend?

Finally, we have our regular monthly Prayer Gathering tomorrow at 8pm at St. Stephen's. The Daytimers Connect Group are leading us and it will be a great opportunity to meet with God together. 

God bless and have a great week! 
