Curates Update

Monday 22nd July 2024

Sunday Services
It was great to welcome a speaker from Christian Solidarity Worldwide at our services yesterday and to spend time praying for those who do not enjoy the religious freedom we have in this country.
A reminder that from this Sunday and to the end of August, we have ONE Sunday service at 10am followed by cafe time. This will be a mixture of the two services with communion but no separate kids groups.

This Sunday
I will be away this Sunday at the New Wine Festival in Shepton Mallet with some other St. Stephen's members. If you would like to come for a day or two or indeed the whole time but stay offsite, there are still tickets you can buy here. In my absence, Revd. Dr Tim Sudworth will be leading the service and opening our Summer in the Psalms series. Please give him a warm welcome!

Fantasy Football League
A reminder that the St. Stephen's league is open - you can sign up here and email James at if you want to be involved in the fun!

Cake with the Curate
Finally, you are warmly invited to our open house on Sunday 11 August. Pop in for some cake and tea anytime between 2pm and 7pm. Please contact me for our address:

God bless and have a great week! 

