St Stephen's News Mailing

Vacancy New
The job is live on our website and has been published in The Church Times as well as other online opportunities. Please keep praying that the right person would apply and for the shortlisting process. If you see one of our social media posts about the role please do share it so more people see it.
New Wine
The Robinsons will be away this Sunday at the New Wine Festival in Shepton Mallet with some other St. Stephen's members. In Ruth's absence, Revd. Dr Tim Sudworth will be leading the service and opening our Summer in the Psalms series. Please give him a warm welcome!
Sunday Services & Livestream
We are now entering a time of our Summer Services. There will now only be ONE service each Sunday at 10am which will be a hybrid of both services. These services will NOT be livestreamed. Cafe will take place after the service. Please note there will be no children's or youth groups. Normal services will return on Sunday 1st September.
Jack & Lily's Wedding
Jack Cahill, our Premises Manager, and Lily Ledwith are getting married on Saturday 10th August at St Paul's, Ealing at 12:30pm and would like to invite you to attend the ceremony. No need to RSVP. Please keep them in your prayers as they organise the final things before the big day and for their married life together. 
Cake with the Curate
Finally, you are warmly invited to the open house on Sunday 11 August. Pop in for some cake and tea anytime between 2pm and 7pm. If you would like to attend please contact Ruth via email:
Church Picnic
As we regather after the summer term we will be celebrating together with a bring your own picnic for everyone in Cleveland Park after the 10:30 service on 8th September, from about 12.30 – do come if you can – and there will be some games too!
Welcome Tea 
A chance for new members of the church to meet with each other and members of the leadership team over tea and cake. This will take place on Sunday 22nd September from 3-5pm. Please speak to a member of the leadership team if you would like to come along. Usually in the vicarage but this time at Jane Maffett’s house in Waldeck Road.
Pimms and Hymns
On 15th September at 3:30pm join us as we will come together to sing some Hymns over a glass or more of Pimm's. There will be a chance to vote for your favourite hymn too! Come along, bring family and friends for a fun afternoon. Pimm's and nibbles will be available. All donations (financial only please) will be given to Ealing Foodbank.
Ealing Half Marathon
Sunday 29th September is half marathon Sunday where we will be hosting a water station and serving refreshments – AND again welcoming the UFO Steel Band who will be playing to encourage the runners along! (Morning services will be replaced by one later in the day- details to follow).
Save the dates:
Sunday 6 October – Harvest Shared Lunch
Saturday 16 November Tearfund Quiz night
Saturday 30 November Christmas Fair 10.30 – 2.00
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus.
Ruislip Road East to railway bridge
Argyle Close
Brentside Close
Peal Gardens
Prayer for the Week
Gracious Father,
revive your Church in our day,
and make her holy, strong and faithful,
for your glory’s sake
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.