St Stephen's News Mailing

Car Park
The foundation works in the car park are now finished which means we can use the front doors again! Please do continue to spend time in the garden if you would like to.

Just a reminder that our Sunday services are not being Livestreamed this summer. Livestreaming will begin again on Sunday 8th September.
Jack & Lily's Wedding
Jack Cahill, our Premises Manager, and Lily Ledwith are getting married this Saturday 10th August at St Paul's, Ealing at 12:30pm and would like to invite you to attend the ceremony. No need to RSVP. Please keep them in your prayers as they organise the final things before the big day and for their married life together.
Cake with the Curate
You are warmly invited to the open house on Sunday 11 August. Pop in for some cake and tea anytime between 2pm and 7pm. If you would like to attend please contact Ruth via email:
Fantasy Football
A reminder that the St. Stephen's league is open - you can sign up here by 16th August and email James at if you want to be involved in the fun!
Ealing Foodbank
Need for Ealing Foodbank is still in high demand. Please see this list for the latest items they need. Their warehouse is open 10-4 on Wednesdays at St Mellitus Church Hall, W7 3BA. If that's not convenient for you, some local supermarkets and businesses also accept donations for Ealing Foodbank. Check out the full list of donation points here. We have a very small donation point in the church foyer so please try take directly to Ealing Foodbank if you can.
Dates for your diary:
8th September           Church Picnic in Cleveland Park from 12:30pm. Bring your own picnic. 
22nd September        Welcome Tea 3-5pm - for new members. Speak to a member of the leadership team
15th September         Pimms and Hymns 3:30pm - Bring along family and friends
29th September         Ealing Half Marathon - UFO Steel Band will be playing again to encourage runners and supporters alike.
6th October                 Harvest Shared Lunch - at church
16th November          Tearfund Quiz night
30th November           Christmas Fair - 10:30-2:00pm
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus.
Cleveland Road
Kent Avenue
North Avenue
Prayer for the Week
God of glory,
the end of our searching,
help us to lay aside
all that prevents us from seeking your kingdom,
and to give all that we have
to gain the pearl beyond all price,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Our next SSE News will be on 29th August 2024. Have a lovely summer.