Curates Update

Monday 30th September 2024

Ealing Half Marathon
It was so brilliant to see so many of you turn out to support the runners in the Ealing Half Marathon yesterday. The steel band created a fab atmosphere and the tea and coffee kept us warm as we cheered on the runners. Well done to Lizzie, Jon, Jason, Sophie and Dexter! Pictures can be found on our St. Stephen's Hub Facebook page.

We carried on our series on Challenging Lifestyles with the topic of lust at the 6pm service. The service wasn't recorded, but if you want to keep up with the series, a transcript of the talk and the accompanying powerpoint are attached. 

This Sunday we are celebrating our Harvest Festival at both services. Do bring along produce for the Foodbank and ideas of what to bring can be found here. You are also invited to come along to a shared lunch after the second service at 12.30pm. It will be a great chance to catch up and get to know people better.

We are having baptisms at our All Age service the first Sunday in November, so speak to me if you are keen to get baptised or renew your baptismal vows.

Tearfund Quiz Night
Our popular annual quiz night will be on the 16th November. Why not gather a team and come along to show off your knowledge and raise some funds for Tearfund at the same time?

I am away at a clergy conference Tuesday to Friday this week, but I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

God bless and have a great week!