St Stephen's News Mailing

Church Giving 
Thank you to all those who have already returned their completed Pledge Pack – if you are yet to do so can you please bring it to church by this Sunday at the latest to help us plan our budget for next year.  And if you have not yet looked at our new Direct Debit option, through the Parish Giving Scheme, do click here.  There will be aa stall this Sunday when you can ask any questions about all of this.
The Tearfund Quiz
This is in 2 weeks’ time – Saturday 16th November 7.15 for 7.45 start Tickets £12.50.  Join us for this very popular St. Stephen's event, at the same time as churches all over the country. Invite friends to make a team or come along and join one on the night. Sign up here or on a Sunday morning.
Sleeves Up Saturday
Please come along and join us this Saturday 23rd November, 9:30am - 12:30pm as we work together to clean the building. People of all ages are welcome to come along and help. 
Christmas Fair
The Christmas Fair is coming up fast on Saturday 30th November 10:30am - 2:00pm and we will be raising money for Ealing CAP (Christians Against Poverty).

And we do need help please!

1 - We need goods to sell – toys, books, jewellery, bric-a-brac (household goods), ‘good as new’ gifts and home-made cakes and sweets. This is your opportunity to de-clutter and encourage re-use of loved but no longer needed items. (But this is not a jumble sale – so please no damaged goods or torn books and we cannot accept clothes, shoes, bags or electrical goods either) Remember from Sunday 24th you can bring in your contributions for the stalls.
2 – Publicity - we also want as many as possible to come to enjoy browsing stalls, meeting Father Christmas (free gift for 0-7 yrs old), sharing refreshments and socialising. So please take a few fliers from our stall to give to friends, family members and neighbours and invite ­as many as you can to share the day. Please take an A3 or A4 poster to advertise the event too, if you have a window or door in which to display it.

3 - Come and chat / sign up at our Sunday Stall if you would like to help for an hour or two or want to know what to donate!

More details here or Email Organisers Jane Maffett and Carmela Amodio-Johnson
Each year we collect brand new books for children aged (0-5 years) to donate to Ealing HomeStart. They help families of young children in Ealing who are struggling. At the HomeStart Christmas party parents/carers are able to choose a book for their child, so please don't wrap them. If you would like to donate books to this worthy cause please give them to Morgen Edwards ( at church by Tuesday 3rd December.
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus.
Kingsley Avenue
Rutland Gardens
Lynton Avenue
Prayer for the Week
God, our refuge and strength,
bring near the day when wars shall cease
and poverty and pain shall end,
that earth may know the peace of heaven
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen