The Leadership team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Services over Christmas
Christmas Eve - 4:30pm - Carols, Christingles and Nativity & 11:00pm - Midnight Communion
Christmas Day - 10:30am Whole Church Celebration
29th December - 9am Service of the Word
5th January - 9am & 10:30am as usual
No Wednesday Communion 25th December or 1st January.
Christmas collection
Once again we are inviting donations over Christmas for our 2 Christmas charities: Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter (which we will also be hosting after Christmas) and Tearfund (who work with churches in 50 countries to tackle poverty). You can donate at our Christmas Services, or online here.
Congratulations to Stephen (our Worship and youth Pastor) and Anna Turner on the birth of Millie. Please pray for them, and Issy and Evaliah too, getting to know their new sister.
David's Induction
We will be Instituting and Inducting our new vicar, David Baylor, on 14th January 2025. It is sure to be a wonderful celebration and it will be great to welcome David and his family to St Stephen's. If you are hoping to come please do email Morgen Edwards to let us know an idea of numbers admin@ststephens-ealing.org.
Results for Charities:
We raised £708 at the Tearfund Quiz, and £3.737 for Ealing CAP at the Christmas Fair. A huge thanks to everyone who participated and helped.
Regular Giving
Thanks very much indeed to all givers and everyone who returned their Giving pledges for 2025. This has ben really helpful and enabled the PCC to set a budget for next year. A reminder:
if you are paying by Standing order and are changing your monthly donation do remember to change your standing order!
If you give on a less regular basis, you can make your pledge payments either on the church tablet, online here (or through our website) or by cheque
and thanks to those who have signed up to our new direct debits scheme – the first payments have gone through smoothly. If you want to join this click here
Queries to jane Maffett Treasurer, or Giving Co-ordinators Chris and Helen Irwin-Childs.
St Stephen's News
The next St Stephen's news will be issued on Thursday 16th January 2024.
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus.
Albany Road
Arlington Road
Waldeck Road
Prayer for the Week
Eternal God,
as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,
so we wait for his coming in glory;
bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
to see, with her, our great salvation
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.