Tuesday 17th December 2024
Sunday & the Carol Service
What an epic Sunday! Enid spoke to us about 'Pursuing Fruitfulness' and many of us were inspired to pledge specific ways we could be more fruitful this advent. You can catch up here. Then in the evening we had out annual carol service by candlelight with our fabulous choir and the brass band. A huge thank you to everyone who helped the service come together whether being involved in the choir, serving drinks, decorating the church or chatting to visitors. What an amazing event! If you missed it, you can catch up here (sadly mulled wine and mince pies can't come through the screen - but maybe settle down with some at home to watch!)
This Sunday we are celebrating the dedication of Daniel Pinto at the 10:30am service as well as hopefully having a reprise from the choir. Please pray for Sara, Reuben and Daniel as they thank God publicly for his life. At both services we will be 'Anticipating Justice' as we look at Mary's wonderful magnificat in Luke's gospel.
Christmas Services
A reminder of what is happening over Christmas:
Christmas Eve: 4:30pm Carols, Christingles and Nativity - another popular service where dressing up as a nativity character is encouraged! We do have some costumes available to borrow on the day.
11pm - Midnight communion service. Start the Christmas celebration with communion and carols in this special night time gathering.
Christmas Day
10:30am Christmas Day Celebration with communion for the whole church family. Children are encouraged to come along and show us a favourite present.
Please note there's NO Wednesday communion service on 25th December or 1st January.
29th December - Enid will be leading a service for the whole church (no communion) at 9am and there will be no 10:30am service.
Hamper for the Baylor Family
There is still time to contribute to the welcome hamper for David, Hannah, Josiah and Clara.You can drop stuff at the church centre today and tomorrow. Do continue to pray for them as they move up to London from Cornwall this week.
God bless and have a great week!