You will find St Stephen's alive with vibrant worship, intimate prayer and growing friendships. Click here for our recorded and livestreamed services.
Please note that our 10:30am Informal service on Sunday 22nd September will NOT be livestreamed.
9am Holy Communion
Our Holy Communion service follows Common Worship liturgy and includes a sermon.
10:30am Livestreamed Informal Service
Our Informal Service is both in person and livestreamed. At this service we sing traditional and contemporary hymns and worship songs led by a band and have teaching and prayer. On the second, fourth and fifth Sundays of each month we include Holy Communion and opportunities for Prayer Ministry. Children and youth groups meet each Sunday, except for the first Sunday of each month when we gather together for whole church worship.
If you want to avoid appearing in the livestream you may wish to sit at the back of the Church. (To view the livestream click
here to go to our YouTube channel).
Please note that All Age Worship Services (as detailed on our calendar) are NOT livestreamed.