Lent Groups and Activities
Lent is traditionally a time of making space for God and learning more about our faith as we prepare to celebrate Easter. This year, we’re promoting three ways to do this with others:
The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren. Jack and Lily Cahill will be running a group to read through and discuss this book which might be best described as a spiritual MOT. Meetings will be on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the church Meeting Room. There will also be an option to dial in on
Teams. If you would like to join this group please email Jack jack@ststephens-ealing.org.
Climate Justice and Discipleship - a contemplative journey into action. This free online course is being run by the Bishops of the Diocese of London. Live sessions will take place on Tuesday evenings 7:30-8:30pm with recordings made available afterwards.
Sign up here.
15 Minutes Prayer for All. This is a resource devised by St Stephen's to encourage us all in daily prayer as we look ahead to Easter. Do keep an eye out for electronic and print resources over the next week.
Service |
Date |
Time |
Details |
Ash Wednesday |
5th March |
10am & 8pm |
We will have two opportunities to mark the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, remembering that we are all created by God by receiving the sign of the cross with ashes on our foreheads. |
Mothering Sunday |
30th March |
9am & 10:30am |
At both services there will be a chance to honour those who 'mother' by gifting flowers as well as an opportunity to remember those we are not able to celebrate with. |
Palm Sunday |
13th April |
9am & 10:30am |
Our 10:30am All Age service will begin in the car park and then process into church (not behind a donkey, sadly!) |
Evening Prayer |
14th - 16th April |
8pm |
A traditional service of evening prayer with a reflection led by a member of the St Stephen’s family. |
Maundy Thursday |
17th April |
7pm |
Coming together to share friendship over a meal with informal Communion. |
Good Friday |
18th April |
2pm |
Walk of Witness
A led time of reflection on the Cross |
Easter Activity Morning |
19th April |
10am-12noon |
A morning of activities exploring the Easter story for children aged 0-11. |
Easter Day |
20th April |
10:30am |
A traditional service (5:30am) to bring in Easter Day followed by breakfast.
An informal service for all with Communion to celebrate Easter Day. |