Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, have lived here all your life, or are visiting us, we hope the website helps you find out what you want to know about St Stephen's
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The church meets every Sunday with services at 9am (traditional) and 10.30am (informal). There is a cafe between the morning services at 10am where everyone can catch up over fresh
coffee or
We meet at St Stephen's Church, which has a modern
flexible worship area: fully carpeted and with chairs rather than pews. A map and our contact details can be found
Don't get confused by the large old building with a spire, this is the old church which was converted to flats in 1987. We are in the
new building on the edge of the roundabout, as you approach from St Stephen's Rd.
There is limited parking available on the site, mainly for people with a blue badge or older people, but there is plenty of parking on the streets nearby.
(Note on weekdays there is a Controlled Parking Zone, 9am to 10am and 3pm to 4pm, but check the signs for latest before you park).
You can expect a warm welcome, great worship, a bible based talk and a group of friendly people gathering to learn more about God.
9.00am is our traditional service, where we use Common Worship liturgy, and sing classic hymns, accompanied by organ or piano.
10.30am is our lively informal service (with children's groups). Sung worship is a mix of contemporary and classic and is led by a band.
all the words for the service and worship songs and hymns will be on the screens.
Do ask any of our welcomers if you have any questions, and they will happily explain where everything is and what is going on.
We have a full programme for children and young people at our 10.30am service. Children and young people stay with their parents at the start of the service as we worship in song together before children and youth go to their groups. There are groups for 0-5 years olds (J.A.M. Tots) and 6-11 years (J.A.M Kids). We also have a group for the Youth of St Stephen's.
If you are new you are welcome to go out with your child/children to help them settle in. You are free to re-join the service at any point. (You will later be asked to complete a simple registration form so that we have everything we need to know).
Children and young people can expect to have fun learning about God in a relevant way, playing games, getting creative and singing.
No! Wear whatever you like. Most people come casually dressed and in the summer many wear shorts.
Even if you have not been to a church before, or for a while, you will be made very welcome, and you will not be forced to do anything you are not comfortable doing. We want you to feel right at home and enjoy the service. Do join us for the cafe between our services from 10.00am to 10.30am, or a chat after the service to get to know some people from the church.
At the 9am Communion service we have what is called the Peace, this is a chance to greet other people, with a friendly smile, handshake or hug - people you know and people you don't. You can move around or stay where you are, it's up to you. At the 10.30am service we sometimes incorporate a time to greet one another.
Towards the end of the 9am service we celebrate Communion, when we remember Jesus' last meal with his disciples by sharing bread and wine. Communion is also celebrated on alternate weeks at the 10.30am. You are welcome to take bread and wine if this is your usual practise in a Christian church and you have been baptised. Alternatively, you can come forward for a blessing (keep your hands by your side and we will know this is what you want). The stewards will indicate when you should come forward.
At St Stephen's we are happy for children who have been baptised to take Communion before they have been confirmed, if they and their parents want this. You just need to let the Vicar know, and stand beside them to indicate this. Some families like this even for very young children, others prefer to wait until, as a teenager or adult, they can publicly confirm their faith at a Confirmation service. Our children and young people's groups have teaching on communion twice a year so that they understand what this is all about.
We always have gluten free bread and non alcoholic wine as an option for those who'd prefer this.
We offer confidential 'Prayer Ministry' at some Sunday morning services, where members of our trained prayer team will pray for you, or for people you know, or if anything in our service has impacted on you.
Please contact a member of the clergy or chat to any of the leadership team if you have any special prayer needs.
The building is all on one floor and there are no steps.
There is a disabled toilet.
The main church has an induction loop, simply turn your hearing aid to the T position.
Liturgy and song words are on screens. We can offer large print Bibles, and can prepare large print service words with notice. Please contact the office for more information.
Please feel free to
contact us with any questions you have.